Pulizie in corso

Le parole sono importanti!
20061119 12:33

Leggere e scrivere

[Reading and writing] are not only fundamentally similar, they're the necessary halves of a single human activity.

The reader completes the arc.

If there is no reader, there is no text.

William Gibson, riecheggiando Zadie Smith.


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20061113 21:32


Da Daring Fireball a Evhead a Odeo a WFMU’s Beware of the Blog, per un po’ di sano Beethoven in salsa surf giapponese.

[Let’s go classics!]

Categoria: giapponismi

Etichette: ,

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20061103 13:10

L’ultima sponda

[AD] ミドリ安全 - 分煙 (MIDORI ANZEN - BUNEN)

[via Japan Probe]

Categoria: sigarette

Etichette: ,

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